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Albert Einstein said “Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think”. The study is confined to the measurement of three characteristics namely Emotional Maturity, Social Maturity and Professional Commitment of primary school teachers engaged in contractual and regular capacity in the study area of Delhi. A sample of 500 primary teachers stratified in two groups of 250 each constituted the basis of the study. For the measurement of the degree of Emotional Maturity, Social Maturity and Professional Commitment of the sample teachers of two groups a self-constructed and tested tool and also a tool by Ravinder Kaur, Sarabjit Kaur Ranu and Saravjit Kaur Brar (2011) was used. The response on these tools was further subjected to necessary statistical analysis to draw logical and scientific inferences and thoroughly discussed in text as presented. The Emotional Maturity and Social Maturity did not differ significantly between the two groups whereas the Professional Commitment was significant at 5% level of significance. Contractual teachers were more committed towards their profession compared to regular teachers.

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