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Infrastructure is the life line of any developing and developed economy; it plays a very significant role in overall development of a country. Infrastructure embodies many facets of connectivity’s of modern life. Telecommunication facilities, electrical connections, road and transport networks, housing, water and sanitation systems all holds the promise of greater convenience and better opportunity for socio economic transformation of a country. The infrastructural facilities include various basic amenities of economic and social overheads viz., rural road, rural housing, rural electrification, rural water supply, bank, education, communication, transportation and health environment. All the facilities jointly constitute the infrastructure of the country.The prosperity of a nation depends on availability and adequacy of sound infrastructure in both rural and urban areas. Good infrastructural base is essential for increased productivity of the basic factors of production viz., land, labour, capital and entrepreneur.Vertical connectivity at the administrative level and a comprehensive planning at the village and block levels along with their execution have become the social imperative for expansion and quality improvement of rural infrastructure in Madurai district.

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