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Hotel investment increases the productive capacity of an economy. It is very important to utilize unattached resource to create job opportunity for citizen, to increase foreign currency through imports substitution, export promotion of a nation and facilitate the communication and cultural exchange of society. The main purpose of this study is to assess the factors that affect the hotel investment in Trichy Town. Descriptive research design and Non-probability sampling technique was used, self-developed questionnaire was the main data collection instruments. The data gathered from the questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as tabulation, frequency and percentage. The findings of the study reveals the factors that are affecting  hotel investments are implementation of rules and regulations of the government periodically, Shortage of credit/finance, High tax rate as well as uncertainty in the tax policies of the government, Poor quality of infrastructure facilities in the town and shortage of raw materials for involving in hotel construction activities. Hence, the government and policy makers have to pay special attention on the listed factors for resolving the issues and encourage investors to invest in the hotel businesses in Trichy town.


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