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games, among the players and record makers. The facilitation of sports coverage is increasing because the sports infrastructure has increased better media facilitation has been possible. The reach, access and availability of sports news has increased due to enhanced sports activities, sports
coverage and specialized manpower. Sports as a leisure activity improve social relationship within various organizations and within the spirit of self. The receivers of sports news are youth audience
and the media works as a guide to improve their taste as wellas action. The sports activities are related to human health and media support helps to bridge gap and helps to encounter different problems in entertainment. The sports communication is thus social communication of cultural
information for building sports organizations from local to international level. Healthy sports, healthy media can support to carve out sports culture in the country. Various research results indicates that
sportsnewscommunicationalwords both in print and verbal reveal cultural interaction in media and it pin points a total change in the world of sports.

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