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Yoga is most important exercise for human being. It is also important for players and their performances Yoga is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices the origins of yoga have been speculated to period of Aryans culture. It is mentioned in vedicyoug ofRigveda Aryans give to India, a physical fitness gift. Through it.By Indian yoga we achieve physical fitness, it is most useful gift that aryans give to India, and through it to the whole world a pattern of physical education. Yoga consists of a number of disciplines, Yama, Niyarna, Posture, Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara, (withdrawal of senses), Dharna (concentration), Dhyana (spritual meditation), samadhi (union).

In this paper I mention objectives as To explain yoga exercise. To overview on Yoga and their positive effects To study Indian yoga and its effects on players and their performance

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