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It is commonly known that different games provide an opportunity to develop, grow and maintain the health of us. In this rank the games get ranked as per their fans. Soccer has earned the first rank where there are many people who usually watch it. The second position is earned by volleyball at an International levelwhich has the highest participation rates throughout
worldwide. It deals with both types indoor and beach volleyball. The games has the unique team sports that has evolved into two distinct Olympic events–indoor and beach. These two sports has
injuries though they differ from each other. Indoor volleyball has different problems whereas beach deals with another problems.Whatever may be but the injuries are more common than acute injuries.There are different reasons like amount of repetition, improper technique, and
type of playing surface. The overuse of the body organs in performance like knee, shoulder and lower back are not unusual in volleyball.
Spiking and blocking are most commonly used in playing the game.Shoulder injuries are very common. Some of the important injuries like sprains and strains around ankle also occur. Finger
is mostly used to jump the ball over shooter carries finger injuries such as dislocations and tendon tears, frequently occur during setting and blocking.

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