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To Statealthough there are many akhadas in Maharashtra state the contribution of these akhadas is known. These akhadas have been established during the ruling period of
ChatrapatiShahuMaharaj. But nobody has tried to study the roll & contribution of these akhadas in making state, National and International level champions. The researcher of this study to find out the contribution of these akhadas as well as the methods or strategies implemented in these akhadas for development of skills and physical fitness. Statement of the problem of my research
is “Role of Akhadas to the Promotion of Physical Fitness of University Wrestlers of Maharashtra.”Objectives of the Study,to investigate and evaluate the historical background of
akhadas in Maharashtra State,find out one of the best akhadas in Maharashtra State. Delimitation is this is historical research and has been confined to Maharashtra State only.Significance of the Study, This study will revive the original history of akhadas and provide
its actual Historical and experimental base. This study will help in finding out the skills and fitness regimen which are tried in different akhadas. Methodology and Data collection, since it is a historical and experimental research the process of data collection is different. In face the data for this research will depend on two types of sources. Primary sources and secondary sources
used for this study. They are recommended undertaking systematic training in wrestling for culture of wrestling in Maharashtra Kolhapur, Sholapur, Pune etc. district is very strong and therefore the Youth are the benefit of one’s health and fitness. Akhadas must prepare the
admission register for the wrestlers and mist generate the standard facilities for hostel, modern gym, special diet, etc. Akhadas must maintain the record of the winning wrestlers in various
competitions and to provide better training, there must be a provision for hiring top class coaches or trainers.

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