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Objective: The present study is investigating the difference of professional and nonprofessional adults on life satisfaction. Sample: The sample consisted of 100 subject selected through the random sampling
method. The sample is consisting of total 100 subjects including two groups i.e. 50 professional and 50 nonprofessional adults. For the purpose of this study psychological tests Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) is a measure of life satisfaction developed by Ed Diener and colleagues are used for this study.Research Design: Present study applied 2x2 factorial design find out the answer of objectives.
There is two independent variables are included. Gender and work natures this two variables are two levels.For the Statistical analysis f test is employed. Results: The difference between two mean of male
and female adults on life satisfaction is significant at the level of 0.01 (‘f’= 7.29, df= 1 and 96). Conclusion: There is significant difference of life satisfaction between male and female adults. There is no significant difference of life satisfaction between professional and non-professional adults. There is no
significant interaction difference of gender and work nature on life satisfaction.